Bell Park Revitalization and Fundraising Campaign Launch

Bell Park lies almost in the center of MAMA territory, surrounded by homes, high-rises and businesses that form the fabric of our neighborhood. Every day, people visit the park on their walking and jogging routes, to give their dogs an outing or to bring children who like to explore the pond and fountains.

Bell Park PlansThe park is highly visible, and much-used. It also needs restoration after the storms and the drought and the lack of city budget for maintenance. Two years ago MAMA started a conversation about reviving its potential to become a significant amenity for our area and for all those who drive past it.

Since then MAMA members have rallied to the cause. Volunteers have gotten the ball rolling on a project that will repair the irrigation system, replenish plant materials that have taken a beating and plan a volunteer day to help restore the park’s natural beauty. We have joined the Houston Parks Board Neighborhood Partnership Program and written grants. We are underway!

Plans for the park created by Carvel Glenn, MAMA member and architect, call for plantings around the pond area that will enhance this water feature, as well as lush new planting in all of the beds in the pond area.

MAMA would like to invite all members, neighbors, surrounding businesses and residents throughout the larger area to contribute to this vision as we launch a fundraising campaign to accomplish these goals.Donate to Bell Park
We are already nearly half-way to our goal of $31,000, thanks in large part to a generous grant of $8,000 from the Montrose Management District, funds from MAMA and pledges from early contributors. We need to raise $14,000 more.

It’s easy to make a contribution to the Bell Park project online by going to and clicking on the large Donate Now button in the upper right corner. You can use major credit cards or virtual checks from individual or business accounts. In filling out your donor information please be sure to select bell park from the drop down menu that is beneath the gift amount. Your gift to Bell Park is tax-deductible and you will receive a letter from the Houston Parks Board for your donation. Remember, your donation will only go to Bell Park if you select this from the drop-down menu.
Please consider a gift that will allow the project to move forward early this spring by donating today! If you would like to learn more about the Bell Park project, how to contribute or to volunteer your help, please contact Leslie Gerber, Bell Park Restoration Committee Chair, at ✤

Bell Park Landscaping Drafts as provided by Carvel Glenn