FAQ on Chelsea Montrose development concerns

From February 11, 2014 MAMA Meeting

2/20/14 SLR Construction Responses:

Comments and questions from Members re Chelsea Montrose High-Rise in Bold.  Answers from SLR in blue.

Traffic Concerns (Post Construction)

What is the feasibility of a signal at Chelsea and Montrose being installed?

The City will not entertain a traffic signal being placed at the intersection of Chelsea and Montrose at this time. The determination from the Traffic Impact Analysis performed was that a signal was not warranted.

The traffic on Chelsea will increase exponentially.  How do you plan to mitigate speeding traffic on Chelsea between Montrose and Main Street?

As part of the proposed development, 6,000 square feet of a Medical Office Building and 9,815 square feet of Specialty Retail uses will be demolished. This equates to 14 AM Peak Hour Trips and 48 PM Peak Hour Trips.  The proposed development will generate 175 AM Peak Hour Trips and 211 PM Peak Hour Trips.  The net increase in trips is the difference between the existing and proposed developments:  161 AM Peak Hour Trips and 163 PM Peak Hour Trips.  This net increase does not impact the level of service at which Chelsea operates at.  The City of Houston reviewed the results of the Traffic Impact Analysis and did not raise any concerns regarding speeding along Chelsea so we have not studied any speed data or speeding issues along the roadway.  The City of Houston has approved the Traffic Impact Analysis as is and did not require any mitigation specific to speed reduction. 

Construction – We can certainly install speed bumps along Chelsea if approved by CoH.  (Estimate $10,000 per location of 2-way traffic)

What will you do to maintain the pedestrian environment on Chelsea?

Our hope is to actually stimulate the pedestrian environment in the neighborhood. We’ve designed the building to sit back from the street curb on Chelsea approximately 30’, so that it is not overbearing for a pedestrian, and to allow plenty of room for a well crafted entry/ front yard that engages the street and is inviting and comfortable for pedestrians to pass by.

Construction – Sidewalks along North side of Chelsea and fronting SLR site will be closed during construction.  Appropriate signage will notify pedestrians at the nearest street crossings to use the South side sidewalks.


Will you provide parking for majority of construction workers at another location (neighborhood businesses rely on street parking)

Construction: Parking will not be provided on-site or off-site by SLR.  SLR will inform construction personnel regarding parking opportunities along the Montrose & Main Street major thoroughfares.  Neighborhood street parking will be monitored & strongly discouraged.

    • UPDATE:  We are not able to park at Chelsea Market, but we are actively pursuing other options to address the parking concerns. Hopefully by the May 6 meeting, which I plan on making by the way, I will have some better information.

What will be your core construction hours?  There is a concern about construction hours (not too early or too late). 

Construction: Core construction hours will be 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday.  Construction personnel may arrive & leave the jobsite between 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM.  

Will you repair streets damaged by construction trucks?

  • UPDATE:  Yes, we want to be good neighbors and intend to take care of damage caused by construction activities.

On one of the renderings, it looks like the street or drive behind the structure and between it and the freeway connects with the parking lot for Chelsea.  Is there a chance this might be an exit for the building’s traffic out to Montrose along this pathway? 

It’s not really intended to be an exit, and we don’t have an easement guaranteeing the right to use it as such, but the drive does connect and residents are able to exit that way. I think as long as it is not causing problems for Chelsea Market, it may provide some relief during peak hours


Will you notify businesses in advance of street closings or other disruptions

  • Construction: A 10 day Notice will be distributed to the neighborhood residents and businesses by flyer, prior to commencement of new construction.
  • Construction: 3 day Notices will be distributed to the neighborhood residents and businesses by flyer, prior to any disruption of utility services.
  • Construction: 3 day Notices will be posted by traffic signage, prior to any street closings that will shut down two-way traffic.  Partial street closings that maintain two-way traffic will not be posted in advance.

Management should support the neighborhood through MAMA.

Construction: Recommend we fully understand the relationship between the residents & MAMA.  Is MAMA authorized to discuss and decide legal matters for the residents?

Project Design:

Be sensitive to glare of parking garage lights (and their effect on neighboring residences).  What are your plans to ensure the parking garage is not obtrusive?

Current design of garage includes architectural screening on the exterior that will mitigate light glare.

Additionally, we have designed the building to minimize exposure of the garage to the neighborhood by placing it on the North side of the property with minimal exposure to the East and West. 

 Do you plan to have ground floor retail?  Neighborhood supports quality retail development.

There are no plans for ground floor retail.

Can you ensure that there will be good design on all four sides of the building (no blank walls).

We feel we have designed a very attractive building, with no blank walls.

Will there be adequate building setback to allow for wide sidewalk and trees?

Yes. Addressed above.

What will you do to preserve mature trees on the property?

We intend to preserve a number of trees on the property, and will be adding approximately 25 new ones per the landscape plans and City of Houston requirements.

 Would you be willing to either support Bell Park revitalization efforts with a donation or in kind contribution for park maintenance?  


Additionally, there is an area on the east side of your property that along the TxDot wall which has become desolate and overgrown.  We are maintaining this area and are looking to perhaps install a bit of landscaping.  Would you be interested in supporting these efforts?  


Would you be willing to support/fund efforts to beautify the Chelsea Blvd esplanades off Montrose? This would include tree trimming and other beautification efforts.  
