In alternating months, residents may dispose of their Tree Waste, and Junk Waste at their curbside. This new method of collecting your large waste comes with the benefits of diverting materials that can be recycled from landfills, saving landfill space and your valuable tax dollars. The Tree/Junk Waste schedule changes each month from Tree Waste to Junk. Tree Waste months are January, March, May, July, September, and November. Junk Waste months are February, April, June, August, October and December.
“Tree Waste” is defined as “clean” wood waste such as tree limbs, branches, and stumps (lumber, furniture, and treated wood will NOT be accepted).“Junk Waste” is defined as items such as furniture, appliances, and other bulky material. Junk Waste may not be placed for collection during a Tree Waste Month.
A maximum of four cubic yards of building material (not including brick, plaster or concrete) generated by the resident in connection with the maintenance of the resident’s property will be collected on your Junk Waste collection date. Please Note: Tree Waste is accepted during Junk Waste Months. However, to ensure that your Tree Waste is recycled, you may hold your tree waste materials until the next Tree Waste designated month or bring it to a Neighborhood Depository.
Residents who wish to discard Tree Waste/Junk Waste before their scheduled once-per-month pickup may use one of six Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Center locations.
These pickups are limited to residential units and vacant residential lots only (no apartment units), and should be placed adjacent to a front curb without low overhead wires and not near fences, water or gas meters, fire hydrants, etc. It should not block auto or pedestrian traffic. If it is not picked up on the designated day, call 3-1-1 to try to arrange a separate pickup.
Further information, including collection sites for hazardous wastes, is available at the City’s website:
You may download the MAMA 2017 Garbage, Recycle & Heavy Trash Calendar here.